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Care & Industry together against CORONA

How it works?

We invite you to participate on this platform, to choose the topic(s) for which you have or need a solution, and to find a partner for discussions and moving forward. 
Please read the terms of participation on our website before registration.

Note that the platform is open until December 31st 2020 (this deadline can be postponed).

1) Registration

Register via the green "Register now" button*.

Who can register?

  • Healthcare providers, who can describe their needs and/or solutions.
    Focus lies on hospitals, elderly care, youth care, childcare, homecare, rehabilitation care, care for persons with disabilities.
  • Companies, who can showcase their products, services and technologies.
  • Support organisations, clusters, academia and governments, who can describe their services and dedicated COVID-19 measures.
  • Finalists or winners of an EU Hackathon.

We encourage governments to register in order to provide all regions with the best possible information. They can describe all the relevant information and useful links as a service in the “Marketplace”.

* The Enterprise Europe Network has the right to remove or deactivate profiles which don't comply with the terms of participation.

2) Publish a profile to showcase your expertise

Create a clear and concise profile to raise your visibility on this platform.
Your profile should describe who you are, what you can offer to potential partners and for which specific domain.

For participants of an EU Hackathon, please provide information on the Hackathon, addressed challenges, team and development stage of your solution. Be clear and thorough in the description of the partners or expertise you’re looking for.
We targets finalists and winners from the EUvsVirus Hackathon which demonstrated a high-quality of projects. Registrations from other EU Hackathons will be duly scrutinized by the organizers to meet the ‘Terms of participation’.

Please note that the regional E.E.N. support offices validate all the profiles within their region before online publication. If your request or offer is not properly explained, if it doesn’t belong in at least one of the above mentioned categories, or if the purpose of your offer is unclear, your profile will not be activated or it will be rejected.

3) Describe your specific offer or request in the "Marketplace" 

The main goal of this platform is for you to choose the theme(s) for which you have a solution or a proposal to share and find a partner with whom to discuss and work on a solution.

This step is the most important one! If you don’t complete it, you won’t appear in the “Marketplace” and you won’t be able to discuss with the other participants!

Furthermore, this is also important so we can understand your offer/request and support you in finding the right partner or connecting you with the right organisation which might need your solution!

4) Browse profiles and connect with others

Be active not reactive. Browse published profiles, find out who is offering interesting solutions and on which topic(s) they want to collaborate and bookmark them to add them to your WISHLIST. 
Adding a meaningful remark as to why you are interested in a contact will increase the chance that your request will be accepted.

    5) Send & receive meeting requests 

    Once your offer/request has been validated, you can go to "Participants" and start sending out meeting requests.

    • Choose and click on the person you would like to have a meeting with
    • Click on the 'Meet online' button

    • Select the duration of your online meeting (15-30-45-60 minutes)

    • Select a date and time for your online meeting (from March until end of December 2020)

    • Confirm
    • You can also send messages
    • Check your personal agenda and have your virtual meetings on the dedicated date and time.

      6) Contact

      If you have any technical questions related to the platform, please contact the B2Match administrator.

      If you have a question on the content, please contact your regional E.E.N. support office, which you can find in your profile or on the contact page.

      Closed since 31 December 2021
      Organised by
      Spain 178
      Italy 131
      Germany 88
      United Kingdom 60
      France 55
      Portugal 45
      Belgium 40
      Türkiye 38
      Poland 37
      Chile 29
      Finland 27
      Netherlands 26
      Hungary 25
      Taiwan 21
      Denmark 19
      Romania 17
      Greece 16
      Croatia 16
      Czech Republic 12
      Austria 10
      Latvia 10
      Estonia 9
      Serbia 8
      United States 8
      Switzerland 7
      North Macedonia 6
      Japan 6
      Moldova, Republic Of 5
      Sweden 5
      China 5
      Iceland 5
      Russia 5
      South Korea 5
      Bulgaria 5
      Slovakia 4
      Albania 3
      Ireland 1
      Malta 1
      Uruguay 1
      Argentina 1
      Tunisia 1
      Canada 1
      Total 992
      SME 631
      Other 87
      Large company 79
      R&D Institution 61
      University 48
      Association/Agency 29
      Care provider 22
      Hospitals 14
      EU Hackathon 10
      Authority/Government 10
      Total 991
      Profile views
      Total 55712